I’ve been teaching woodcarving and woodworking skills to pretty much every kind of person imaginable since 2005; from elderly people with learning difficulties and disengaged young people from inner city backgrounds through to primary school groups. I’ve demonstrated green woodworking skills at two Glastonbury festivals and three Green Gatherings and taught actors how to whittle to prepare for their role onscreen. Some of my former students, such as William Barsley who is shown below, have gone on to become professional woodcarvers themselves.

With a current enhanced DBS clearance and a qualification for Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector, I’m also a trained and qualified Forest School Leader. Sessions can focus on carving techniques or also include skills in other woodworking techniques, such as using a handsaw or a scrollsaw correctly.

Recently, as well as private tuition at my workshop, I have taught woodcarving and sculpture for the Makershed and the Folk House in Bristol. Here’s Ruth experimenting with woodcut designs on one of the Makershed course sessions.

If you’d like to have a go at woodcarving, get in touch!